At Soneva Fushi glass becomes art
Is it possible to mix luxury vacations, art and sustainability? Yes, but only at the Glass Studio of the Soneva Fushi, in the Baa atoll, the unique eco-luxury Maldivian resort where you can give new life to recycled glass. At the Soneva Fushi you can not only learn how to blow glasses with the world most famous artists, but also you can admire their masterpieces at the local art gallery and buy precious souvenirs.
After the grand opening just a few weeks ago, at the end of October, the Glass Studio will host local and international artist for classes, exhibits and other interactive events exclusively for their guests. With such top level teachers learning how to blow glass will be easy and fun, and you can bring home a truly unique souvenir of your vacation.
The Soneva Group has always been seriously committed to the safeguard of the environment and its goal was to create a luxury resort which was absolutely eco-friendly. Ambitious goal? Yes indeed, because only on the Baa atoll the average glass products wasted every months is around 5 tons. But the staff at Soneva Fushi know what they’re doing: today they recycle around the 80% of the waste of the private island of Kunfunadhoo (60miles north of Malè), where the resort is located. Only waste glass materials, produced from the Soneva Fushi and other resorts in the local area, are used at the facility. Making beautiful glass objects at the Glass Studio is not just a unique and fun experience, you also help eliminate pollution in the Maldives by turning waste into valuable works of art.
To bless the birth of this amazing project in December Soneva Fushi will host one of the world-renowned artist in the field: Lino Tagliapietra. Born in Murano (one of the small islands of Venice, crib of the best craftsman in the ancient art of glass blowing), Tagliapietra is one of the most precious Italian excellences, and his works can be admired in prestigious locations such as The Mertropolitan Museum of New York, the De Young Museum in San Francisco and the Victoria and Albert museum in London. Hold your breath now, and be prepared to blow your artistic side out during your next vacation at Soneva Fushi, the luxury resort that will make you feel like VIP Robinson Crusoe stepping on virgin sand, diving into uncontaminated water, sleeping into seven stars villas nested in the forest. Your dream, luxury and eco-responsible vacation is just a blow (or a click) away.